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Fiber with constipation properties.

Fiber often referred to as dietary is a fiber that is a component of plants. It is a nutrient that the body cannot digest like other nutrients. Such as fat, protein or carbohydrates and does not give energy to the body. There are two types: These two types

What are the benefits of prunes?

Prunes are fruits that provide many good nutrients. Eating prunes is good for health in many ways, for example: Good for digestive system. Prunes are rich in dietary fiber, both soluble fiber and insoluble with 100 grams or about 10 prunes provide about 7 grams of

How to properly take care of oral health?

Good oral health can be established by maintaining proper oral hygiene. Just start by brushing your teeth twice a day, in the morning and before bedtime. Brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes at a time. But don’t brush your teeth health too vigorously. Because it may

The right amount of vitamin C to eat.

The recommended amount of vitamin C for the average adult is about 70–80 milligrams per day. But people who need to take to treat certain health problems such as scurvy.  Your doctor may recommend taking higher amounts. Which may take up to 1,000–2,000 milligrams per day. But the body may